After the results of the Michael Brown and Eric Garner grand jury decisions this past week
President Obama has announced his plan to help equip police with body cameras. I believe this is a step in the right direction and that all law enforcement officers should be required to have cameras attached to them. This is a great way to keep police officers in check.
People question whether or not this will work considering the fact that there was video footage and still no indictment. My opinion is that there is a difference in a bystanders video and a cops video. If a bystander is taking a video one can say that the way they framed the video made things look as if the officer was at fault. If a camera is attached to the officers clothing then the video footage will be from the officers perspective; therefore, if this happens again the jury can see if there was an actual reason for the officer to take the steps that they did.
Another plus side to body cameras is that it might also provide a source for data analysis. It can help specialists understand how police actually do their work. It could also provide data for anti-racism activists and law and order types. Along with providing data it also will give the general public some reassurance. Police officers are public workers who work to protect the public. If we know that they are doing their job and following their training then we can feel like they are truly helping us.
Ariana- I completely agree. Perhaps this decision is a step towards a change in the way our society functions and views law enforcement as a whole. Putting cameras on police men would most likely reduce violence on both sides- police would not use any unneeded violence, and civilians would be much more cautious when dealing with police.