Sunday, September 28, 2014

What's Apple Going To Do About BendGate?

People from all over the country went to get their new, thinner than ever, iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 plus' this past week . I did not join in on the craze for the newest iPhone however, I know many people that did. When these people finished using their phones they put them in their back pocket. I would have done the same thing but after hearing that iPhones are now bending because people are sitting on them I would be scared to even have my phone in my front pocket. So what is Apple going to do about this defect that their costumers are experiencing?
Bent iPhone 6 Plus

If your phone is bending Apple is willing to replace it as long as it passes a "visual inspection." Apple is also saying that they do not believe that this can happen to the phone when it is used "regularly." I guess they don't believe that costumers putting their phones in their back pockets and sitting down is not normal. Well I would have to disagree with this. I find is very frustrating that Apple would say something like this trying to blame the consumer for a something that is the manufacturers fault.  I always put my iPhone 5s in my back pocket and it is flat. Why was it so necessary for them to make the phone so thin?

Apple says that they are looking into the problem with "insane amount of detail." I wonder what types of changes they will make after they look into it. They can't just tell their costumers not to sit on their phone; they need to come up with a solution that makes the phone stronger. Hopefully apple can come up with a solution quick because the more they wait the more iPhones they will have to replace.

1 comment:

  1. I did get the iPhone 6 (the smaller one, not the plus) and it luckily has not bent yet, but should that happen, I would be very frustrated with Apple. Nevertheless, I think that Apple has made a very good product with just a minor flaw: it cannot withstand somebody deliberately trying to break it. In an article from Business Insider, I read that only nine customers have complained about phones bending from actually everyday use (not including deliberate attempts to damage the phone) out of a total of almost 10 million new phones sold since the release of the six. I think that people simply expect so much from a new Apple device that these few instances have blown up into the big deal that it is.
